Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sharp Dressed Man

A few weeks ago the Mr. told our OB that if we were having a girl he knew I'd single-handedly keep the baby girl apparel industry afloat. An exaggeration? Sure, but only a slight one. I just love all those tiny girl clothes! So, I think he's slightly relieved that Baby S is a boy. But will that keep me from shopping for tiny adorable things?! Ithinknot. Substitute flowers for argyle, lace for little embroidered animals, and plaid for...well, plaid can stay. Totally unisex, right?

I've had my eye on a few too cute for words items I spotted online since finding out we're having a boy. This weekend, I succumbed to cuteness that is Ralph Lauren Baby. I think resisting for a full week might be a new record for me, but now Baby S has his first dress up outfit, hanging in my closest.

Could you die? The checkers, the chinos, the belt. I mean, it has a belt! THERE ARE LITTLE GOLFERS ON THE BELT. ::swoon:: Even the Mr couldn't deny the cuteness and loves the outfit, too (I didn't point out to him that he pretty much has the same shirt in 2 variations). So, looks like we better bring Baby S somewhere special in his first couple months of life, or he'll be the best dressed newborn out for a walk.