How big is baby? We'll find out exactly next week, but a week ago he was 4lbs 14oz
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Steadily gaining as he gets bigger and bedrest continues, but still a few pounds away from my "scary weight"
Next Appointment: We have an appt and ultrasound next Thursday. Since my last post, we've been the to the doc twice. There was some concern about my platelet count, but it turns out that's fine and my anemia is back...more iron pills for me. We talked about when to call the doc, when to head to the hospital, finalized our birth plan, and got the news that our OB will be "shocked if we get past 36 weeks". Yep, that's in a week and a half!
Maternity Clothes: About all that's comfy now is sundresses and skirts, which seems a bit much for bedrest, right? So, I alternate between being a total slob in my pjs and being completely overdressed for a day of Internet surfing and tv watching.
Sleep: It varies. The hardest thing now is actually hoisting myself out of bed to use the bathroom. I sometimes need to wake up husby to push me out of bed.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing the nursery in a more complete state yesterday. My parents were over and hung curtains, rearranged furniture, and helped me put some things away. There's still work to do, but it feels more like a nursery now, and even Lucy is behaving in there.
Movement: He doesn't seem to be such a night owl anymore (fingers crossed that holds true when he's on the outside). There are periods of 30-60 min during the day that he just rolls around and kicks like crazy. Since he's running out of room, his movement is a little more uncomfortable for me, but I'm so happy I have an active baby who lets me know he's doing ok while we're on bedrest.
Planning/Preparation: We have a pediatrician now, only one more prenatal class to go, fancy new camera coming in the mail any day now, hospital bag packed, Lucy's bag packed, iPod, Flip, and old camera all charged and ready to go, baby clothes/blankets/burp clothes washed, all infant care items purchased and in the right place (thanks Mom).... how do I still have a TO DO list that runs two pages?? I need a haircut so terribly; I'm trying to figure out when I can get Andrew to take me somewhere. I'm still in the midst of reading two books on vaccines and breastfeeding and would like to finish those asap.
Belly Button In/Out: Flat, not popped out.
Gender: Yep, still a boy.
What I Miss: Being able to eat without heartburn. It's been terrible for a few weeks now.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting our son and hoping he looks like one of the 2 names we've chosen.
Contractions: Nada.
Milestones? Hitting 34 weeks and knocking out an entire page on the TO DO list.
You are so cute!!! Oh and I am excited you are down to two names! I go out of town Thursday evening, but please let me know if you need anything before then.