Our first shower was hosted by all my besties in the picture below, and was an afternoon filled with good friends and all my favorite things.
Our second shower followed my 4 days in the hospital, so you'll see how fetching I am in a brown leather wheelchair! Here we are with our wonderful hosts, who couldn't have chosen a more beautiful day to bring two families together to celebrate the soon-to-be newest little Serafin.
Being on bed rest has allowed me to the time to write and send over 60 thank you cards, and it's a relief to have that done in a timely manner. I love writing thank yous and try to do it as quickly as possible.
Writing the thank yous got me thinking.... I vow to you right now that now I will never, ever, do the following once I'm a parent:
1. Send a pre-printed thank you card with no personal message. If I'm going to ask you to attend a party for our child, and you choose not only to spend your day that way but also bring him a gift, you will NEVER receive a thank you from me by way of Shutterfly with his picture on the front (probably with cake all over his face) and a pre-printed message inside, shoved into an envelope on which I've slapped a computer generated address label. The pre-printed card is the real offense here, but for some reason I seem to always get these in an envelope with label, you know, just to reeeeeeally save time. Sorry, if you're so busy you can't write me a proper thank you, you needn't bother sending me your pre-printed card. I was there to see the kid with cake on his face, I'm not framing your card.
2. Send a thank you card written from the perspective of our son. Why do people do this?! I'll come right out and say it- it's creepy. Not cute or folksy. Just creepy. "Dear Auntie Jenny, I had the best time at my party! Thank you so much for coming. I just love my Tickle Me Elmo, and I'm sure I'll drive my parents crazy with it!!" Ewwwww. There must be people who find this endearing. This girl? No, not in the slightest.
I'd like to open the betting on how long before you're sending thank you's from your kid. I say 3 months.