Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weekly Survey: Weeks 31 & 32

How far along? 32 weeks, 3 days
How big is baby? So big that I can't believe he's still supposed to almost double in size!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still in the "normal" range for what they recommended I gain.
Next Appointment: My only time out of the house has been for Dr appts, so I guess having 3 in the last 2 weeks isn't so bad. Last week, I was having some real contractions, combined with Braxton Hicks (likely set off by slight dehydration), and I ended up having an ultrasound and non-stress test at the OB's office in the morning. Everything looked good. No more contractions since, and follow up appts were also good, but I'm still on the same level of bedrest until I have my next ultrasound. We go in this Saturday for them to measure where the placenta is now.... fingers crossed that it has moved up!
Maternity Clothes: Do the hubster's tee shirts and old yoga pants count? That's what I"m wearing most days now.
Sleep: It's getting much harder to sleep. My hips and ribs are stretching and so sore. I can only lay on my side, but doing so puts the weight of the baby and my hips and ribs, causing more pain. If I do fall asleep, I wake up to use the bathroom, head back to bed, and by the time I'm comfortable, I have to go to the bathroom again. I've been up since 4am today. Next step is to try sleeping in a reclining chair.
Best Moment This Week: Finally seeing some things come together in his nursery! Glider is ordered, all newborn clothes are washed, the necessities for a newborn are all purchased, washed, and in the room. Now it's just a matter of organizing things.
Movement: He's still very active, a few times a day, and he loves listening to music with the Belly Buds. My least favorite position is his first under the right side of my rib cage.
Planning/Preparation: Much still to be done in the nursery, and I'm getting extremely stressed about it. I really want Lucy to have time to get used to the room when it's all set up- before the baby comes home. I still need to choose a pediatrician, create iPod playlists for the hospital, pack a hospital bag, finish writing the birth plan, and more. Not being able to get up really limits my ability to do what I'd like to do most...finish the nursery.
Belly Button In/Out: Pretty much flush with my belly now.
Gender: Yep, still a boy.
What I Miss: Everything that makes you feel like a normal person. You know, showering daily, making your own food, sleeping through the night.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound on Saturday. I can't wait to find out if the placenta has moved and if he's still breech after going into that position 4 weeks ago.
Contractions: None since last Tuesday.
Milestones? Hitting 32 weeks! See post below.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good update (other than the not showering or sleeping business of course)! Lots of vibes for Saturday's U/S!
