Monday, June 7, 2010

We Made It!! 32 Weeks

First, this is what he looks like at 32 weeks- thankfully, still an inside baby!

My fabulous friend Katie Ryan came over to take some maternity photos for us over the weekend, and this is one of the teasers she posted on her blog for us. I'm thrilled that we'll have these photos to look back at years from now, and I think we'll frame a couple for Baby S's nursery.

Today is the big day- 32 weeks. When I ended up in the hospital 20 days ago, they told me as soon as things took a turn for the worse that if I delivered then (at 29 weeks) there would be some issues but that they were very hopeful the baby would be okay. From that point on, they stressed over and over how important it was to get to 32 weeks. The message has been the same at each Dr. appt since. Well, here we are, and I've been in a great mood all day. Just knowing that I reached the goal they set for me puts a smile on my face- all this bedrest is not in vain. The next goal is 36 weeks, but we have two more Dr. appts this week to see where things stand, measure everything via ultrasound, and find out whether or not they are willing to lift any of my restrictions.

As of this week, Baby S has reached the following milestones:
  • at least a pound heavier than when I was admitted to the hospital and adding more body fat everyday
  • lungs have nearly fully developed (with the help of steroids)
  • all five senses are developed
  • organs are functioning on their own
  • bones are fully developed and hardening

Basically, there's a good chance that he would be able to breathe and function on his own if I ended up going into labor today. He'd still be in the NICU for some time at this point, but there are far lesser concerns than a few weeks ago. I think we'll keep him in there for awhile though :)


  1. Lets keep him in for at least 3 more weeks please : ) oooh ooooh, If he can hold off until July 2nd he and Morgan can be bday buddies!

  2. I thought of that a few days again when I told Andrew I'd be shocked it we made it through the month of June! If we can get a couple days into July then he can share a bday with Morgan and Marla :)

  3. I know it's been a rough go, but hooray for reaching this milestone! Baby S is growing healthy and strong :)

  4. Yay for reaching 32 weeks!! This is great news! Stay in there a little longer, Baby S!

  5. So happy you made it to 32 weeks! Next up - 36 weeks! It is fantastic he is still cooking and doing so good.
