I've tried to keep up with taking belly pictures from first finding out we were pregnant. I figured that as unflattering as bathroom light can be, and as silly as I'd look in my pajamas half the time, I'd appreciate having them one day. It's already amazing to look back at the early pictures, when I thought at the time "wow, I'm getting huge already" and realize that no one could possibly tell I'm even pregnant in the picture.
I have the same top on in the 24 and 34 week photos, and it's incredible to see what a difference there is in that time span! Even more incredible to think that I still have growing to do....well, if he decides to stay put for a bit.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Weekly Survey: Weeks 33 & 34

How big is baby? We'll find out exactly next week, but a week ago he was 4lbs 14oz
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Steadily gaining as he gets bigger and bedrest continues, but still a few pounds away from my "scary weight"
Next Appointment: We have an appt and ultrasound next Thursday. Since my last post, we've been the to the doc twice. There was some concern about my platelet count, but it turns out that's fine and my anemia is back...more iron pills for me. We talked about when to call the doc, when to head to the hospital, finalized our birth plan, and got the news that our OB will be "shocked if we get past 36 weeks". Yep, that's in a week and a half!
Maternity Clothes: About all that's comfy now is sundresses and skirts, which seems a bit much for bedrest, right? So, I alternate between being a total slob in my pjs and being completely overdressed for a day of Internet surfing and tv watching.
Sleep: It varies. The hardest thing now is actually hoisting myself out of bed to use the bathroom. I sometimes need to wake up husby to push me out of bed.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing the nursery in a more complete state yesterday. My parents were over and hung curtains, rearranged furniture, and helped me put some things away. There's still work to do, but it feels more like a nursery now, and even Lucy is behaving in there.
Movement: He doesn't seem to be such a night owl anymore (fingers crossed that holds true when he's on the outside). There are periods of 30-60 min during the day that he just rolls around and kicks like crazy. Since he's running out of room, his movement is a little more uncomfortable for me, but I'm so happy I have an active baby who lets me know he's doing ok while we're on bedrest.
Planning/Preparation: We have a pediatrician now, only one more prenatal class to go, fancy new camera coming in the mail any day now, hospital bag packed, Lucy's bag packed, iPod, Flip, and old camera all charged and ready to go, baby clothes/blankets/burp clothes washed, all infant care items purchased and in the right place (thanks Mom).... how do I still have a TO DO list that runs two pages?? I need a haircut so terribly; I'm trying to figure out when I can get Andrew to take me somewhere. I'm still in the midst of reading two books on vaccines and breastfeeding and would like to finish those asap.
Belly Button In/Out: Flat, not popped out.
Gender: Yep, still a boy.
What I Miss: Being able to eat without heartburn. It's been terrible for a few weeks now.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting our son and hoping he looks like one of the 2 names we've chosen.
Contractions: Nada.
Milestones? Hitting 34 weeks and knocking out an entire page on the TO DO list.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Summer School!
We started our prenatal classes a couple of weeks ago, beginning with Prepared Childbirth- when to go to the hospital, how to breathe in labor, etc.- followed by Infant & Child Safety and CPR, and Breastfeeding.
There are only 4 couples in our Prepared Childbirth class, and it's taught by one of the L&D nurses at the hospital, so it will be nice to see a familiar face when we actually have the baby. So far, we've learned a lot in the class, but being that I plan on having an epidural and there's a good chance of a c-section, there's a good portion I won't need to use (which is great, since I can barely remember this morning, much less things someone tried to teach me weeks ago).
Safety and CPR was the one class we both really felt was a must. Since I'm not allowed to strain myself, I couldn't do the chest compressions, but I was able to practice everything else. I'm pretty confident that if (big IF) I remain calm I could actually properly administer CPR or help a choking baby/child. There was another couple there who forced their parents and siblings to attend in order for them to be allowed to babysit. For real! So, I had the absurdity of that to amuse me for a few minutes as we were all introducing ourselves.
Breastfeeding. Now I'm no prude, but I'd have gotten just as much out of the class had I seen a good 10 less breasts. Yeah, I know, it's natural...blah blah blah. I just don't need to see roughly 40 minutes of zoom lens videography to get the idea, and I'm pretty sure that if you're running into issues so severe that you're wishing you'd seen more of this in your class, then you're already on the phone with a lactation consultant or calling a nurse to your room. So, as much as I was tired of seeing it, I'm guessing my sentiment was shared to an even greater degree by the 5 fathers-to-be in the room (including mine). Regardless, there was a lot of good information, and a fancy folder with crooked photocopies of things to take home. I like free, fancy folders.
This weekend had our tour of the hospital! Being that it's a new building it's all tricked out with fancy things like all private rooms that have iPod docks, DVD players, plasma TVs, beds for Dads, huge balconies on each level, extensive room service menus. Now, if I didn't have to pass a watermelon to gain access to such luxury, wouldn't that be super?! Really, it's beautiful.
One more class left, and then I'm a pro, I guess. The teacher in me wishes there were pre and post tests so I could really see how much I've learned (sadly, I'm completely serious), and little report cards so I could put mine in the baby book. Of course, I'd need instructor comments like "shows tremendous aptitude for parenting!" to really make it a worthwhile keepsake, but I guess the RNs who teach this stuff are too busy for such things. That, and we're not 12. Sigh.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Weekly Survey: Weeks 31 & 32
How far along? 32 weeks, 3 days
How big is baby? So big that I can't believe he's still supposed to almost double in size!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still in the "normal" range for what they recommended I gain.
Next Appointment: My only time out of the house has been for Dr appts, so I guess having 3 in the last 2 weeks isn't so bad. Last week, I was having some real contractions, combined with Braxton Hicks (likely set off by slight dehydration), and I ended up having an ultrasound and non-stress test at the OB's office in the morning. Everything looked good. No more contractions since, and follow up appts were also good, but I'm still on the same level of bedrest until I have my next ultrasound. We go in this Saturday for them to measure where the placenta is now.... fingers crossed that it has moved up!
Maternity Clothes: Do the hubster's tee shirts and old yoga pants count? That's what I"m wearing most days now.
Sleep: It's getting much harder to sleep. My hips and ribs are stretching and so sore. I can only lay on my side, but doing so puts the weight of the baby and my hips and ribs, causing more pain. If I do fall asleep, I wake up to use the bathroom, head back to bed, and by the time I'm comfortable, I have to go to the bathroom again. I've been up since 4am today. Next step is to try sleeping in a reclining chair.
Best Moment This Week: Finally seeing some things come together in his nursery! Glider is ordered, all newborn clothes are washed, the necessities for a newborn are all purchased, washed, and in the room. Now it's just a matter of organizing things.
Movement: He's still very active, a few times a day, and he loves listening to music with the Belly Buds. My least favorite position is his first under the right side of my rib cage.
Planning/Preparation: Much still to be done in the nursery, and I'm getting extremely stressed about it. I really want Lucy to have time to get used to the room when it's all set up- before the baby comes home. I still need to choose a pediatrician, create iPod playlists for the hospital, pack a hospital bag, finish writing the birth plan, and more. Not being able to get up really limits my ability to do what I'd like to do most...finish the nursery.
Belly Button In/Out: Pretty much flush with my belly now.
Gender: Yep, still a boy.
What I Miss: Everything that makes you feel like a normal person. You know, showering daily, making your own food, sleeping through the night.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound on Saturday. I can't wait to find out if the placenta has moved and if he's still breech after going into that position 4 weeks ago.
Contractions: None since last Tuesday.
Milestones? Hitting 32 weeks! See post below.
How big is baby? So big that I can't believe he's still supposed to almost double in size!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still in the "normal" range for what they recommended I gain.
Next Appointment: My only time out of the house has been for Dr appts, so I guess having 3 in the last 2 weeks isn't so bad. Last week, I was having some real contractions, combined with Braxton Hicks (likely set off by slight dehydration), and I ended up having an ultrasound and non-stress test at the OB's office in the morning. Everything looked good. No more contractions since, and follow up appts were also good, but I'm still on the same level of bedrest until I have my next ultrasound. We go in this Saturday for them to measure where the placenta is now.... fingers crossed that it has moved up!
Maternity Clothes: Do the hubster's tee shirts and old yoga pants count? That's what I"m wearing most days now.
Sleep: It's getting much harder to sleep. My hips and ribs are stretching and so sore. I can only lay on my side, but doing so puts the weight of the baby and my hips and ribs, causing more pain. If I do fall asleep, I wake up to use the bathroom, head back to bed, and by the time I'm comfortable, I have to go to the bathroom again. I've been up since 4am today. Next step is to try sleeping in a reclining chair.
Best Moment This Week: Finally seeing some things come together in his nursery! Glider is ordered, all newborn clothes are washed, the necessities for a newborn are all purchased, washed, and in the room. Now it's just a matter of organizing things.
Movement: He's still very active, a few times a day, and he loves listening to music with the Belly Buds. My least favorite position is his first under the right side of my rib cage.
Planning/Preparation: Much still to be done in the nursery, and I'm getting extremely stressed about it. I really want Lucy to have time to get used to the room when it's all set up- before the baby comes home. I still need to choose a pediatrician, create iPod playlists for the hospital, pack a hospital bag, finish writing the birth plan, and more. Not being able to get up really limits my ability to do what I'd like to do most...finish the nursery.
Belly Button In/Out: Pretty much flush with my belly now.
Gender: Yep, still a boy.
What I Miss: Everything that makes you feel like a normal person. You know, showering daily, making your own food, sleeping through the night.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound on Saturday. I can't wait to find out if the placenta has moved and if he's still breech after going into that position 4 weeks ago.
Contractions: None since last Tuesday.
Milestones? Hitting 32 weeks! See post below.
Monday, June 7, 2010
We Made It!! 32 Weeks

My fabulous friend Katie Ryan came over to take some maternity photos for us over the weekend, and this is one of the teasers she posted on her blog for us. I'm thrilled that we'll have these photos to look back at years from now, and I think we'll frame a couple for Baby S's nursery.
Today is the big day- 32 weeks. When I ended up in the hospital 20 days ago, they told me as soon as things took a turn for the worse that if I delivered then (at 29 weeks) there would be some issues but that they were very hopeful the baby would be okay. From that point on, they stressed over and over how important it was to get to 32 weeks. The message has been the same at each Dr. appt since. Well, here we are, and I've been in a great mood all day. Just knowing that I reached the goal they set for me puts a smile on my face- all this bedrest is not in vain. The next goal is 36 weeks, but we have two more Dr. appts this week to see where things stand, measure everything via ultrasound, and find out whether or not they are willing to lift any of my restrictions.
As of this week, Baby S has reached the following milestones:
- at least a pound heavier than when I was admitted to the hospital and adding more body fat everyday
- lungs have nearly fully developed (with the help of steroids)
- all five senses are developed
- organs are functioning on their own
- bones are fully developed and hardening
Basically, there's a good chance that he would be able to breathe and function on his own if I ended up going into labor today. He'd still be in the NICU for some time at this point, but there are far lesser concerns than a few weeks ago. I think we'll keep him in there for awhile though :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Strollers and Rattles and Bibs- Oh My!
We're incredibly blessed to have amazing families and friends, who've been excited for us ever since we announced that Baby S was coming this summer. In the last few weeks, they came together at two showers to celebrate with us, and we have a third shower scheduled later this month!
We enjoyed a lunch of all my pre-pregnancy and pregnancy favorites (gourmet cheeses, olives, chopped salad, pickles galore, corned beef sandwiches, roasted veggie croissants...and more), opened presents, and had some yummy desserts. I've been friends with these girls for so many years, and we've all been there to celebrate the big moments in each others lives, but I was so touched by all the thought that they obviously put into making this a special day. Love you, ladies.
Our second shower followed my 4 days in the hospital, so you'll see how fetching I am in a brown leather wheelchair! Here we are with our wonderful hosts, who couldn't have chosen a more beautiful day to bring two families together to celebrate the soon-to-be newest little Serafin.
We had about 35 people there to share their excitement with us, who all enjoyed the beautiful views of the Lake, a tasty lunch, and fun games with thoughtful gifts for the winners! Andrew and I had a great time, surrounded by people we love and opening one adorable gift after another.
Being on bed rest has allowed me to the time to write and send over 60 thank you cards, and it's a relief to have that done in a timely manner. I love writing thank yous and try to do it as quickly as possible.
Writing the thank yous got me thinking.... I vow to you right now that now I will never, ever, do the following once I'm a parent:
1. Send a pre-printed thank you card with no personal message. If I'm going to ask you to attend a party for our child, and you choose not only to spend your day that way but also bring him a gift, you will NEVER receive a thank you from me by way of Shutterfly with his picture on the front (probably with cake all over his face) and a pre-printed message inside, shoved into an envelope on which I've slapped a computer generated address label. The pre-printed card is the real offense here, but for some reason I seem to always get these in an envelope with label, you know, just to reeeeeeally save time. Sorry, if you're so busy you can't write me a proper thank you, you needn't bother sending me your pre-printed card. I was there to see the kid with cake on his face, I'm not framing your card.
2. Send a thank you card written from the perspective of our son. Why do people do this?! I'll come right out and say it- it's creepy. Not cute or folksy. Just creepy. "Dear Auntie Jenny, I had the best time at my party! Thank you so much for coming. I just love my Tickle Me Elmo, and I'm sure I'll drive my parents crazy with it!!" Ewwwww. There must be people who find this endearing. This girl? No, not in the slightest.
Our first shower was hosted by all my besties in the picture below, and was an afternoon filled with good friends and all my favorite things.
Our second shower followed my 4 days in the hospital, so you'll see how fetching I am in a brown leather wheelchair! Here we are with our wonderful hosts, who couldn't have chosen a more beautiful day to bring two families together to celebrate the soon-to-be newest little Serafin.
Being on bed rest has allowed me to the time to write and send over 60 thank you cards, and it's a relief to have that done in a timely manner. I love writing thank yous and try to do it as quickly as possible.
Writing the thank yous got me thinking.... I vow to you right now that now I will never, ever, do the following once I'm a parent:
1. Send a pre-printed thank you card with no personal message. If I'm going to ask you to attend a party for our child, and you choose not only to spend your day that way but also bring him a gift, you will NEVER receive a thank you from me by way of Shutterfly with his picture on the front (probably with cake all over his face) and a pre-printed message inside, shoved into an envelope on which I've slapped a computer generated address label. The pre-printed card is the real offense here, but for some reason I seem to always get these in an envelope with label, you know, just to reeeeeeally save time. Sorry, if you're so busy you can't write me a proper thank you, you needn't bother sending me your pre-printed card. I was there to see the kid with cake on his face, I'm not framing your card.
2. Send a thank you card written from the perspective of our son. Why do people do this?! I'll come right out and say it- it's creepy. Not cute or folksy. Just creepy. "Dear Auntie Jenny, I had the best time at my party! Thank you so much for coming. I just love my Tickle Me Elmo, and I'm sure I'll drive my parents crazy with it!!" Ewwwww. There must be people who find this endearing. This girl? No, not in the slightest.
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