Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weekly Survey: 27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks, 4 days
How big is baby? Big enough to make all my pants roll down
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Um, lots. I think I've got a couple pounds of vacation weight tacked onto the total, too.
Next Appointment: Just a few more days until my 28 week when I'll have my glucose test, a rhogam shot, and check up- big day!
Maternity Clothes: I think it's time to size up. I can't believe I'm still going to get bigger than this.
Sleep: I'm giving in and buying a Snoogle. Actually, I will spend as much as I have to in order to find a product that will help me sleep. The Boppy thing isn't working anymore. I've tried 5 other pillows, I've tried my 1/2 Unisom. No luck. Of course, on vacation, I slept great. So, I have to assume the sleep issues are also stress related.
Best Moment This Week: Lucy snuggled her face into my belly when I was laying on the floor next to her, petting her. It was so cute, even if it was totally unintentional.
Movement: He's getting more active at night now and gives me a little wakeup call consistently at 3am.
Planning/Preparation: This weekend our plan is to finish clearing out the baby's room so we can start loading it up with furniture and other goodies!
Belly Button In/Out: Still in, just barely (see pic from last post- eek)
Gender: Bouncing Baby Boy
What I Miss: Being able to eat a meal without heartburn
What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting back on a regular yoga schedule
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? The official start of my last trimester!

1 comment:

  1. Jeez, you're getting hit with every side effect imaginable - once BBB (Bouncing Baby Boy) is here they should all go away. Then you'll have a whole bunch of NEW things keeping you awake!
    Not to worry; they go away in about 18 years.....hmmm, not really.
