How far along? 37 weeks, 4 days
How big is baby? Large enough to be simultaneously pushing on every one of my organs and my ribs.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: No gain since last week
Next Appointment: Our last appointment was on Wednesday. We started with a non-stress test which showed his heartbeat is great and I'd only had a couple of small contractions in 25 minutes. An internal exam showed that I'm not dilated at all. So, my doctor continues to be shocked that he's still hanging out in there, believes it could be any day, and we see her again on Tuesday. Sigh. At least on Tuesday we'll get to see him :) They will do an ultrasound to check on where my placenta is located now, how big the baby is, and fluid levels to make sure they are not any new concerns or risks at this point. I'm worried about all these possibilities, but hopefully he'll be here before Tuesday!
Maternity Clothes: Now that I'm on high alert for impending labor, I'm actually getting dressed properly most days. I can't show up at the hospital looking ridiculous in pajamas.
Sleep: Hahahahah
Best Moment This Week: Date night with husby. We went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner last night (where we also had our first date and where we found out we were having a boy after our 20wk appt).
Movement: He's all over the place, so maybe he's getting antsy for more room to stretch out?
Planning/Preparation: I spent some time making meals to keep in the freezer, created a spreadsheet with addresses for birth announcements, rewashed some bedding that I'd convinced myself had collected dust in the last few weeks that it has been on the crib....I'm about as prepared as you can be. ::tapping foot::
Belly Button In/Out: My belly button HURTS. It's like it wants to pop out, but there isn't any skin there to pop.
Gender: Yep, still a boy.
What I Miss: Lately I miss working out a lot. I feel like I have no core strength at all anymore and I'm worried I have diatasis recti (where your abdominal muscles completely split), which will make recovery really difficult and likely worsen my lower back issues. We shall see.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Finally meeting him!
Contractions: All day and night on Tuesday, but nothing consistent enough to call the Dr.
Milestones? My stomach in 43". I think that rivals most Biggest Loser contestants, and my regular size bath towels don't close over my belly anymore.
Your belly keeps looking cuter and cuter! You are going to be a mom so soooooon! Can't wait to hear about your appt. on Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteI love how everything is planned and ready to go! :) He will be here so soooooon!!!
ReplyDeleteI am still shocked you have made it this far - your doctor had me convinced otherwise - you too, right? ;) You are so ready for him to make an appearance - it is great that everything is prepared.
ReplyDeleteOf course you look fabby in your belly shot