36 weeks, 1 day -- From the front and the side: 
How far along? 36 weeks, 4 days
How big is baby? Definitely over 6lbs now, probably closer to 6.5lbs
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Enough already!
Next Appointment: We had an appointment this past Wednesday and had a non-stress test, as well as a visit with our OB. The NST came back just fine, and according to the Dr. I'm not dilated at all and am just in a holding pattern for labor to start sometime. Our next appointment is this coming Wednesday....I never thought we'd get this far!
Maternity Clothes: I currently alternate between two t-shirts (a U of I Homecoming tee and one from my sorority bid night, since they are the largest in the house) and a few pairs of shorts I can till fit in. I do actually get dressed for Dr. visits and when guests come over, but I'm sure our cleaning lady and dog walker think I look like I'm one step away from living in a box on lower Wacker.
Sleep: So they say you can only sleep for a couple hours at a time when the baby arrives, and I'd actually welcome that right now. Sounds heavenly. Between numb shoulders and hips, my aching neck, getting up to use the bathroom, nighttime acid reflux, and feeling like it's 5000 degrees in our bedroom, I'm not sleeping at all. The good news is that since the baby dropped I don't have numb ribs anymore and it's easier to breathe- if I can sort out a couple of the other issues, I think I'll sleep again.
Best Moment This Week: When I ate Corn Fritters from Brown's Chicken. Oh, or when I got my nails done last night. Sorry, it can't all be baby related.
Planning/Preparation: I wanted to do a little painting in the baby's room today, but trying to get close enough to the wall with my stomach is quite impossible right now. So I got mad, cried, stopped, and then had some Cocoa Pebbles. At least it ended well!
Belly Button In/Out: In, but it feels like it's about to burst.
Gender: Bouncing Baby Boy
What I Miss: Being able to eat a meal without heartburn
What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing my little boy's face!
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? My Dr. thought there was no way I'd get through 36 weeks, and I only have 3 days left!