How far along? 17 weeks, 1 day
How big is baby? Big enough to require me to have an elastic waist on all clothing
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've hit a total of 8.5lbs in 17 weeks, but most of that is in the last 3 weeks! Time to break up with Peanut M&Ms.
Next Appointment: Check up next week
Maternity Clothes: Expensive. Well, if you want to look remotely fashionable.
How big is baby? Big enough to require me to have an elastic waist on all clothing
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've hit a total of 8.5lbs in 17 weeks, but most of that is in the last 3 weeks! Time to break up with Peanut M&Ms.
Next Appointment: Check up next week
Maternity Clothes: Expensive. Well, if you want to look remotely fashionable.
Stretch Marks: Not any new ones.
Sleep: Still tired all the time (wasn't the 2nd tri supposed to be a break?) and not sleeping well.
Best Moment This Week: We heard the baby's heartbeat last Tuesday!!
Movement: Nothing since last week, so maybe I was wrong. (Savor the fact that I'm admitting that- it's not often I do)
Best Moment This Week: We heard the baby's heartbeat last Tuesday!!
Movement: Nothing since last week, so maybe I was wrong. (Savor the fact that I'm admitting that- it's not often I do)
Food Cravings: Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes and peanut butter. Not together; I'm not crazy.
Planning/Preparation: We're working on names this week. My sister suggested Pliny the Elder when we spotted it at a museum exhibit. It has a nice ring, no? After a quick wiki search, I learned that this was only a nickname (no wonder it's so catchy!) and his real name was Gaius. Coincidentally, Gaius is the Mr.'s favorite character on BSG, so I'm not even mentioning this. Ever.
Belly Button In/Out: In
Gender: We'll know in 3 wks
Gender: We'll know in 3 wks
What I Miss: Coming Soon- a post with more details.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Feeling the baby move
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? Sleeping for 6 straight hours. Sad, but this was a real highlight!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Feeling the baby move
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? Sleeping for 6 straight hours. Sad, but this was a real highlight!
Can't wait till tomorrow's post!