Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekly Survey: 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks, 1 day
How big is baby? about 4" long and the size of an avocado (hopefully less green)
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Up 1.5 to hit the weight gain my Dr. recommended by my 16wk visit. I have cheese to thank for that.
Next Appointment: Tomorrow
Maternity Clothes: Huge sale at Gap Maternity and scored a bunch of new clothes tonight.
Stretch Marks: Nope, but I've purchased 3 kinds of lotion to avoid this and soothe the insane itching I have now.
Sleep: Work is still keeping me up nights and giving me headaches.
Best Moment This Week: Shopping for cribs with the Mr.
Movement: I think I felt the baby for the first time today!! I'm still not sure if that's what it was, but it happened a couple times, so now I keep waiting for it to happen again.
Food Cravings: Still pickles (so cliche) and more sweets lately. Oh, and pretty much anything I see anyone else eating that's not seafood.
Planning/Preparation: We started shopping for nursery furniture and began looking through a baby name book.
Belly Button In/Out: In
Gender: Well, if it's not a girl, I'm beginning to think the Mr. and I might be the only ones who aren't disappointed. LOTS of boys in both families. I still think it's a boy- the Mr. doesn't have a hunch.
What I Miss: Coming Soon- a post with more details.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Hearing the baby's heartbeat tomorrow.
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? Spending 35 minutes on the treadmill and running the majority of that time...ah, felt so good.


  1. We will NOT be disappointed if she is a boy, silly! We know what to do with boys : ) Again, please tell me that Bernadette was a joke....

  2. Bernadette, eh? :)

    Can't believe you're 16 weeks already!

  3. PS, my word verification for my first comment was "poozoo". Thank you for that.

  4. I want to hear more about what you miss!

  5. Col- Kidding on both, of course.

    Allie- I think next time Lily has a blowout, Justin should yell "POOZOO" from the other room instead of "EXPLOSIVO"!

  6. WOW! Have you determined if what you're feeling is indeed the somersaulting avocado?
    I can still remember it myself!

    We'll be equally thrilled if it's a boy or a girl, & not the least bit disappointed. We just want to start shopping!!!!!
    Did you find furniture?

  7. We are actually counting on a boy as we have already entered the five of them as a basketball team in the 2018 Olympics.
