Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekly Survey: 17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks, 1 day
How big is baby? Big enough to require me to have an elastic waist on all clothing
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
I've hit a total of 8.5lbs in 17 weeks, but most of that is in the last 3 weeks! Time to break up with Peanut M&Ms.
Next Appointment: Check up next week
Maternity Clothes: Expensive. Well, if you want to look remotely fashionable.
Stretch Marks: Not any new ones.
Sleep: Still tired all the time (wasn't the 2nd tri supposed to be a break?) and not sleeping well.
Best Moment This Week: We heard the baby's heartbeat last Tuesday!!
Movement: Nothing since last week, so maybe I was wrong. (Savor the fact that I'm admitting that- it's not often I do)
Food Cravings: Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes and peanut butter. Not together; I'm not crazy.
Planning/Preparation: We're working on names this week. My sister suggested Pliny the Elder when we spotted it at a museum exhibit. It has a nice ring, no? After a quick wiki search, I learned that this was only a nickname (no wonder it's so catchy!) and his real name was Gaius. Coincidentally, Gaius is the Mr.'s favorite character on BSG, so I'm not even mentioning this. Ever.
Belly Button In/Out: In
Gender: We'll know in 3 wks
What I Miss: Coming Soon- a post with more details.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Feeling the baby move
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? Sleeping for 6 straight hours. Sad, but this was a real highlight!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy- Book Review

Dear Jenny McCarthy,

You own me $9.32, roughly 3 hours of my life, and 10 IQ points.

You can thank my wise husband for his Amazon Prime membership, or you'd owe me more than that. Seriously, I can't believe I wasted my time on this book. Who are all these people who loved it? Why did they find it so funny and informative? Me thinks they ain't so bright.

I think I laughed out loud once or twice, but given my level of sleep deprivation, this isn't all that impressive. You know who I think might like this book? A pregnant 16 year old who is clueless about pregnancy, or a woman who has exactly zero friends who've given birth to a child. I wouldn't consider myself a pregnancy or childbirth expert by any means, but none of the great revelations in this book were news to me.

::gasp:: Do people really drop a #2 on the table when delivering a baby?! Why, yes. Yes, they do. It's not all that uncommon, and people are paid to clean that up and take it away (reason #873 why I'm not a nurse).

::gasp::You get cellulite, stretch marks, acne, gas, and hemorrhoids?! Well, yes. If you're lucky, not all 5. But there are plenty of non-preggos who have all 5 already. It's called life.

::sigh:: I'm too fat for thongs, too gassy for proper socialization....waaa waaa waaa.

Enough. I wanted to poke my eyes out, but I perservered and read till the end. I should have cut my losses at 2 hours in. Stick to talking about autism, Jenny; I actually like you then.

Rating: 1 star.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekly Survey: 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks, 1 day
How big is baby? about 4" long and the size of an avocado (hopefully less green)
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Up 1.5 to hit the weight gain my Dr. recommended by my 16wk visit. I have cheese to thank for that.
Next Appointment: Tomorrow
Maternity Clothes: Huge sale at Gap Maternity and scored a bunch of new clothes tonight.
Stretch Marks: Nope, but I've purchased 3 kinds of lotion to avoid this and soothe the insane itching I have now.
Sleep: Work is still keeping me up nights and giving me headaches.
Best Moment This Week: Shopping for cribs with the Mr.
Movement: I think I felt the baby for the first time today!! I'm still not sure if that's what it was, but it happened a couple times, so now I keep waiting for it to happen again.
Food Cravings: Still pickles (so cliche) and more sweets lately. Oh, and pretty much anything I see anyone else eating that's not seafood.
Planning/Preparation: We started shopping for nursery furniture and began looking through a baby name book.
Belly Button In/Out: In
Gender: Well, if it's not a girl, I'm beginning to think the Mr. and I might be the only ones who aren't disappointed. LOTS of boys in both families. I still think it's a boy- the Mr. doesn't have a hunch.
What I Miss: Coming Soon- a post with more details.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Hearing the baby's heartbeat tomorrow.
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? Spending 35 minutes on the treadmill and running the majority of that time...ah, felt so good.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hello?! ::crickets::

Hello? Is this thing on?

Um, I'm getting a serious complex. No one comments on my blog. I suppose it's possible that I'm not as interesting and hilarious as I think I am...right? Nope, not a chance.

If I need to start swearing more, I'm not above that. Profanity really connects people sometimes, so I'm willing to use it.

Is it the oversharing of bare skin? I can't promise it will never happen again, but I could tone it down. Perhaps not everyone wants to see me with a bit of gut burgeoning over my yoga pants, standing in my bathroom, unshowered, on a Monday morning (I'm actually talking about the Mr, but this likely applies here, too.).

Where, oh where, have I gone wrong my faithful readers and adoring fans?! Validate me! Love me!

Or not. Either way, I'll keep posting the same BS. I just thought I'd whore myself for some feedback for a minute.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

15 Wk Belly Shot

15 weeks
Definitely popping out, but it's still far more obvious with a bare belly or in a tight shirt.

Way back in the beginning (aka 8 cans of Beefaroni, 3 quarts of ice cream, and a couple of McChicken sandwiches ago):

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Weekly Survey: 15 weeks

How far along? 15 weeks!
How big is baby? a LEMON
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Up another 1.5lbs for 5lbs total.
Next Appointment: One week from today
Maternity Clothes: Lack of energy to do laundry prompted me me to wear maternity jeans one day last week- still too big, but WOW were they cozy.
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Much better. Work stress is causing more of my insomnia than the baby is at this point.
Best Moment This Week: Feeling human again after working out.
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Cravings:
Planning/Preparation: We registered for our hospital tour and Labor Preparation/Prenatal classes.
Belly Button In/Out: In
Gender: I still think it's a boy.
What I Miss: Nothing, lately.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at our next appt.
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? I worked out two days in a row and even got to run :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sweating Makes Me Feel Human

For the last 10ish weeks I've been feeling like a 64 inch high pile of lumpy mashed potatoes. This is the longest I've ever gone without any real exercise in, well, probably my life. The first month was actually kind of nice. I had an excuse to on the couch watching HGTV while Andrew was working out on weekend days...didn't even feel slightly bad about it. Then, I just started feeling the mashed potato grossness. (When you only fit into 10% of your wardrobe it only intensifies the feeling.)

I was finally cleared to work out a couple weeks ago, and I got off to a slow start. By slow I mean I worked out once in 10 days, with my gym bag packed and in my car for a week straight. I blame it on work. (I always have excuses.) I finally made myself commit this weekend though.

Today was great. I ran. I actually ran. I mean, I was walking in between bursts of running, since I'm not allowed to let my heart rate go up that high, but I was definitely running, and dare I say...there was even some perspiration. Who knew this could be so exciting? I think I was even smiling while I was on the shrink-my-butt machine, which probably made me look totally deranged.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekly Survey: 14 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up another 1.5lbs for 3.5lbs total, just as the Dr. ordered.
Next Appointment: At 16 weeks- 2/16/09
Maternity Clothes: I picked up a few more things, but I'm not wearing them yet. Soon. Very, very soon.
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I slept for almost 7 hrs last night without getting up to pee once! It was glorious. Of course, then Lucy woke me with her snoring.
Best Moment This Week: Packing up clothes that won't fit me for a long time...it was getting depressing to look at them in my closest.
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Cravings: Definitely still eating more than in past weeks with a huge craving for Fruity Pebbles the last week or so.
Planning/Preparation: Starting to look at nursery furniture since we need to order it in less than a month and also trying to find a daycare center that doesn't have a waitlist of 100+ babies. It's nuts in the city.
Belly Button In/Out: In
What I Miss: Running (I never thought I'd say that). Chai Tea Lattes. Flat Stomach.
What I'm Looking Forward To: The next appt!
Contractions: Nope
Milestones: Eating 3 of the 4 items I ordered from the McDonald's $1 Value Menu. It's a first...and hopefully a last. My eyes were bigger than my stomach, thank goodness, but I'm still grossed out by it.