I can't believe that Will is already 3 months old! While I should have been returning work this week, we decided about a month ago that I'd stay home with Will instead. I think it's going to be an adjustment, but I'm really blessed to be able to have this time with him. I looked at his sweet little face a couple days ago and got choked up thinking about all I'd have missed, this past week alone, if I'd been at the office instead of with him.
Here are a few highlights of what the little Mr. is up to these days:
** He reaches for things that catch his interest: hanging toys on his activity mat, the Oball that hangs from his carrier, my hair. I can no longer wear necklaces! **
** About a month ago, Will started cooing. That has increased and also progressed into babbling. **
** Tummy time is still one of his least favorite activities. He will occasionally push his whole chest up, but he usually gives up and thinks it’s more fun to show off how he can roll from tummy to back now. **
** He no longer wakes up screaming for food and attention (well, except in the middle of the night). Now he talks to himself for a few minutes and then smiles when he sees us coming to rescue him from his crib. **
** Will LOVES being sung to, and I turn pretty much everything into a song. His favorites are ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and The Wheels on the Bus (especially the wipers going “swish”). **
** We read books to him before bed each night and he’s becoming more interested in looking at colorful pictures. *
** Will doesn’t have any issues going down for a nap or at night. We don’t need to rock him to sleep anymore, as long as we watch for his sleepy cues and get him down before he’s overtired, he goes right to sleep. Though he starts out with a pacifier in his mouth, he generally spits it out within 2 minutes of being in his crib. **
I love my giraffe, CeeCee.
Wait, where'd CeeCee go?
And in honor of CeeCee and his Great Grama, Will was a giraffe for Halloween! We had a great day trick or treating with friends, but it was chilly enough that Will was pretty red-nosed and ready to head home after about an hour.

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