Meeting Will:
Shortly after Will was given his eviction notice, our Dr. decided that it was time to induce labor. There was so much talk about him being a huge baby (turns out he just had a huge head and shoulders relative to my size), and they were concerned that he'd just keep getting bigger, resulting in a c-section. Well, that was the end result anyhow, and we greeted our little boy on July 29th at 11:56am.
His daddy stayed by his side for the two hours it took for his first bath, shots, footprints, and other tests. In the meantime, I was in a post-op room and so anxious to hold my angel. We spent 5 days in the hospital, where Will had a lot of visitors, and we couldn't wait to bring him home to meet Lucy (who stayed with my parents while we were in the hospital).
Our First 4 Weeks:
While I recovered from my c-section, we had a lot of help from family and friends who were kind enough to bring us meals, help around the house, and hold our crying newborn to give me a break or a nap when it was desperately needed. Will didn't sleeep as much as most newborns and seemed to be hungry all the time, causing him to cry quite a bit. We found one thing that made him very, very happy: bath time!
Month 2:
By this time, I'd recovered and Will was settling into life on the outside. Between feedings and naps we were able to go for long walks, meet up with friends for lunch, and run the occassional errand or two. After 10 weeks on bedrest, and then 2 more post delivery, this was FANTASTIC. Will has been a very alert, expressive baby, but in his second month he started smiling, holding eye contact longer, tracking us with his eyes, and developing his own little personality. We can't seem to tell who Will looks like yet. Just as many people say he resembles his father as there are people who feel he looks just like me. So, I suppose that means he's a good combination of the two of us :) He's pretty long and lean, like his Daddy, coming in at the 10th percentile for weight and 65th percentile for height.
The End of the "4th Trimester":
Will is gaining weight more rapidly now and is finally out of his newborn clothes. He still loves baths, and a few new things on his list of "likes": looking at trees on his walks, watching any and all ceiling fans, kicking of his socks, and being sung to (especially "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "ABCs"). We've gotten past his first cold, trip to the ER, and immunizations- all of which were probably a little tougher for me than him. He's a very happy baby who smiles a ton and just figured out how to laugh, which puts a huge smile on our faces. Just two weeks ago, Will was Baptized. Here's a photo with his godparents, his Aunt Colleen and Uncle Brian:
Yay! Love this post! Will is so beautiful!