Not all pregnancy guides are the same (probably why there are approximately a million of them), and most people will tell you to pick up one of these two:
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy or
What to Expect When You're Expecting. Overachieving, anal retentive, Type A information monger that I am, I read them both (as well as a few more of the million offered).
I spend entirely too much time reading books on pregnancy and babies, and not nearly enough combing through my
InStyle magazines- look at the sacrifices I'm already making for my son, right? So, if you notice that I'm starting to dress like a complete tool, shove my stockpile of
InStyles in my face and tell me to get back at it.
If these are the unofficial textbooks for pregnancy, then I'd classify
WTEWYE as the middle school version (hey, those girls get knocked up, too) and
MCGTAHP as the appropriate choice for a high school honors class (possibly geekier and less likely to need the book, but at least it's there). They both have good things to offer and will appeal to different people, but I prefer Mayo overall.

As you might expect, this guide has a far more clinical/scientific approach. It's informative and detailed, perhaps to the point of being dry, but an excellent reference tool for pregnancy and beyond. You'll find week by week details on what's happening with baby, your body, what symptoms warrant a call to your OB, things to discuss at upcoming appointments and a wealth of information on labor and delivery. I also happen to trust an actual medical guide more than a book with a cartoon drawing of some chick in boot cut jeans and ugly boots on the cover (send my
InStyle stack her way first, please).
Rating: 3 Stars
Just because I'm pregnant, I'm not suddenly stupid and incapable of understanding three syllable words- at least that's how this book made me feel at times. Strangely, the thing people most often complain about with this book is what I actually DID like: it gives you the worst case scenario of every symptom and side effect you'd never otherwise consider. My inner alarmist was overjoyed! I guess I just don't scare that easily and would rather know what I might be in for? The illustrations are terrible, the organization weak, and it was lacking the more scientific content on a developing baby that I was hoping to find.
Rating: 1 star
I love that you are mocking a cartoon drawing's outfit choice!