Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yep. There's a Baby in There, Not Just a Big Dinner.

Ok, so this picture is now 2 weeks old (and I'm much bigger now), but I'm behind a bit and thought you might want to see when I really "popped".

This was just after I hit 22 weeks, and it was the first time that I think other people actually noticed I was pregnant. At least I felt like I no longer looked like the girl who spent a few too many late nights hitting Taco Bell.

In the two weeks since? WOW. I'll need another photo to really get the idea across, but I'm E N O R M O U S. There are maternity clothes I no longer fit in. I've become that person who puts her hand on her stomach when she's sitting (which, by the way, used to kind of annoy me except that now I realize there is no where else for it to go as your lap disappears). I even purchased and wore a top I would classify as matronly. In public. I know, I know. Listen- I have a whole new understanding of comfort that I can't apologize for and will not deny.

So, yeah, I'll get on that Week 24 picture soon.