How far along? 24 weeks, 4 days
How big is baby? About a foot long (every time I say it I think of Subway...gross)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Decided not to weigh in this week.
Next Appointment: 4 more weeks
Maternity Clothes: Summer wardrobe has been purchased (in preparation for vacation) :)
Sleep: It has been SO much better the past week with some breathing exercises my tree-huggin, granola-eatin yoga teacher taught me.
Best Moment This Week: Another yoga class outside
Movement: He loves the sugar rush of Thin Mints (at least this is how I justify eating 10 in a sitting)
Planning/Preparation: It's all here, ready to be assembled
Belly Button In/Out: I give it two weeks to pop out.
Gender: All man.
What I Miss: Rolling around on the floor, playing with Lucy.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Vacation tomorrow!
Contractions: Nope
Milestones? We found out this week that Baby S will be greeting a little girl cousin when he's about 4 weeks old!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Yep. There's a Baby in There, Not Just a Big Dinner.
Ok, so this picture is now 2 weeks old (and I'm much bigger now), but I'm behind a bit and thought you might want to see when I really "popped".
This was just after I hit 22 weeks, and it was the first time that I think other people actually noticed I was pregnant. At least I felt like I no longer looked like the girl who spent a few too many late nights hitting Taco Bell.
In the two weeks since? WOW. I'll need another photo to really get the idea across, but I'm E N O R M O U S. There are maternity clothes I no longer fit in. I've become that person who puts her hand on her stomach when she's sitting (which, by the way, used to kind of annoy me except that now I realize there is no where else for it to go as your lap disappears). I even purchased and wore a top I would classify as matronly. In public. I know, I know. Listen- I have a whole new understanding of comfort that I can't apologize for and will not deny.
So, yeah, I'll get on that Week 24 picture soon.
In the two weeks since? WOW. I'll need another photo to really get the idea across, but I'm E N O R M O U S. There are maternity clothes I no longer fit in. I've become that person who puts her hand on her stomach when she's sitting (which, by the way, used to kind of annoy me except that now I realize there is no where else for it to go as your lap disappears). I even purchased and wore a top I would classify as matronly. In public. I know, I know. Listen- I have a whole new understanding of comfort that I can't apologize for and will not deny.
So, yeah, I'll get on that Week 24 picture soon.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Weekly Survey: 23 Weeks
How far along? 23 weeks, 4 days
How big is baby? The size of a spaghetti squash!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 20 total at this point, so I'd better slow down!
Next Appointment: Well, it was supposed to be next week, but the baby had other plans. I ended up going in for an emergency appt yesterday since I'd had consistent abdominal pain for about 12 hours and was getting worried. Still waiting on some test results to come in, but it sounds like I need to wear a pregnancy belt to get him off my bladder. The other pain is a combo of RLP comign back with a vengance and dehydration causing cramping/contractions. My next appt will be in 4 weeks and is a big one with my glucose test, an ultrasound, blood draw and rhogam shot. Looks like I'll need a 1/2 day to take care of all that.
Maternity Clothes: I'm sick of wearing the same 4 pairs of pants over and over and can't wait to break into shorts and dresses as it gets warmer.
Sleep: I have no idea what that means.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing his heartbeat again yesterday. He started kicking when he heard his heart on the loud Doppler :)
Movement: He's still very active at certain times of day but mostly likes to hang out in a bladder hammock he seems to have settled right into.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Planning/Preparation: Furniture is available for pick up today!
Belly Button In/Out: Shaaaaaaallow. ew.
Gender: Um, still a boy? Not really expecting a change here.
What I Miss: Laying flat on my back, as well as the ability to go from laying to sitting without the need for a crane or accompanying grunting.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next appointment.
Contractions: Yep, and glad they are gone. Need for immediate epidural confirmed.
How big is baby? The size of a spaghetti squash!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 20 total at this point, so I'd better slow down!
Next Appointment: Well, it was supposed to be next week, but the baby had other plans. I ended up going in for an emergency appt yesterday since I'd had consistent abdominal pain for about 12 hours and was getting worried. Still waiting on some test results to come in, but it sounds like I need to wear a pregnancy belt to get him off my bladder. The other pain is a combo of RLP comign back with a vengance and dehydration causing cramping/contractions. My next appt will be in 4 weeks and is a big one with my glucose test, an ultrasound, blood draw and rhogam shot. Looks like I'll need a 1/2 day to take care of all that.
Maternity Clothes: I'm sick of wearing the same 4 pairs of pants over and over and can't wait to break into shorts and dresses as it gets warmer.
Sleep: I have no idea what that means.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing his heartbeat again yesterday. He started kicking when he heard his heart on the loud Doppler :)
Movement: He's still very active at certain times of day but mostly likes to hang out in a bladder hammock he seems to have settled right into.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Planning/Preparation: Furniture is available for pick up today!
Belly Button In/Out: Shaaaaaaallow. ew.
Gender: Um, still a boy? Not really expecting a change here.
What I Miss: Laying flat on my back, as well as the ability to go from laying to sitting without the need for a crane or accompanying grunting.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next appointment.
Contractions: Yep, and glad they are gone. Need for immediate epidural confirmed.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
My 50lb. Baby
I guess she's not technically a baby anymore, right? Lucy is almost 16 months old already, but she'll always be the first baby we had. We certainly treat her like a child (creepily so), and she has taught us many valuable lessons about parenthood that Baby S is quite lucky we've learned already. I worry a lot about what will happen when the baby comes: will Lucy be a good big sister and protect her little brother? Will she be jealous? Maybe she'll just ignore him?
Lucy is quite attached to both of us, wants to be near us most of the time, still cries for our attention, and loves cuddling-- I'm not sure how she'll feel about sharing. When she was tiny, she used to sit in my lap ALL. THE. TIME. I carried her around most places (she will still only "come" when she feels like it), as she was learning to use the stairs, would get too tired to walk, and mostly because she was too cute not to carry around. Basically, we spoiled her rotten. But she's growing up and maybe part of that will make her ready to be a big sister. I like to think she'll be a guardian for our son, a playmate when he's ready, and that she'll be ok sharing our attention because she'll love him as much as she loves us.
I haven't been able to lift her since last summer, and she never wants to sit in my lap anymore. Until the other night. I was sitting on the floor, and she climbed right in and put her head on my shoulder (it's how she gives a hug). I made sure the Mr caught it on film quickly, since she never does this anymore, and it puts the same smile on my face to see these pictures of her all grown up last week as the picture of her in my lap the day we brought her home.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Weekly Survey: 22 weeks
How far along? 22 weeks, 3 days
How big is baby? The size of a spaghetti squash!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up another pound
Next Appointment: Not for 2 more weeks.
Maternity Clothes: A little more shopping, mostly for our upcoming vacations, which has been perfect timing for the record high temps this week.
Sleep: sigh...
Best Moment This Week: My first prenatal yoga class. Amazing.
Movement: He's all over the place in there and has taken to kicking me in the middle of the night. I think he's bored.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Planning/Preparation: I guess this past week we took a "break" from all things baby to follow through on the far less interesting "all things work".
Belly Button In/Out: Shaaaaaaallow. ew.
Gender: Um, still a boy? Not really expecting a change here.
What I Miss: Hearing things other than my heartbeat via my left ear.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next appointment.
Contractions: Nope
How big is baby? The size of a spaghetti squash!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up another pound
Next Appointment: Not for 2 more weeks.
Maternity Clothes: A little more shopping, mostly for our upcoming vacations, which has been perfect timing for the record high temps this week.
Sleep: sigh...
Best Moment This Week: My first prenatal yoga class. Amazing.
Movement: He's all over the place in there and has taken to kicking me in the middle of the night. I think he's bored.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Planning/Preparation: I guess this past week we took a "break" from all things baby to follow through on the far less interesting "all things work".
Belly Button In/Out: Shaaaaaaallow. ew.
Gender: Um, still a boy? Not really expecting a change here.
What I Miss: Hearing things other than my heartbeat via my left ear.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My next appointment.
Contractions: Nope
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