**We've learned some new "party tricks"! Will now waves hello and goodbye, very enthusiastically, and will often say "iiiiii" while doing so. His first attempt at "hi!", which is so exciting.**

** He's consistently pulling himself up to a standing position while holding onto furniture, toys, or his parents, and he's quite steady on his feet.**

**First visit to Shedd Aquarium! The colorful fishies and coral reef captured his attention, so we took him out of his stroller for a better view. As the fish swam past him, Will would turn and look at me as if to say "did you see that?!" - I think as soon as he's old enough he'll be Daddy's diving buddy.**
**Will's first Easter! The family kicked off the Easter Holiday with egg coloring at Aunt Traci's house. Will's big boy cousin's were old pros, but Will and June seemed to have fun watching their mommies color for them!**

**We attempted a family trip to the Cubs game on Aunt Emily's birthday, but the game was rained out. Will was a big hit with the crowds at Bernie's and Murphy's, though! I guess these days it's ok to have a baby in a bar. **

**As expected at this age, Will has begun testing boundaries. While he understands what "no" means, he doesn't always choose to listen. Outlets, cords, and anything electronic mesmerize him. It's a good thing we babyproofed the house already!**
**The family celebrated Grama's 60th Birthday with dinner at Wildfire. Will sat at the head of the table and kept his adoring family members entertained.**